That includes the car travel!
SO THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! If I could send each of you ladies that left me tips a new outfit for your little one I SO WOULD DO IT, but other orders are in the hopper, especially since I've taken a bit of a vaca...
The car ride down was wonderful. If you follow me on twitter you prolly know the story, but we left around 11 after going by Aaron's school to let her play on the huge playground and get out some energy.
We took off and drove for an hour straight to Waco and then pulled over for lunch. After lunch she watched "Whoa Gobba Gobba Gobba" (aka Yo Gabba Gabba), took a two hour snooze, and we made it to San Antonio shortly after she woke up. SO EASY!! I didn't even get to whip out my bag o' tricks. ;)
We met up with my friend Candace and she took us to a cool park with tons of trees to let Ava get some more energy out. Then we went to dinner and this is why I look like a royal hot sweaty mess in this picture. IT WAS HUMID AND HOTTTT! And I had been driving all day.
My shirt let off some sparklies all over my face. Even hotter, huh?!?!
Don't be jealous.
The next morning was our Sea World day.
We were especially excited because our cousins decided to drive an hour south and meet us. The weather was overcast & breezy, so just perfect!
We loved the whales, the dolphins, and the "sea wynons"!!
Ava sported these looks most of the day.
She would say "WOW! Wook at dat!!!!"
Ava with our cousins.
Checking out a little Shamu action.
Ever since that killing in Florida, I guess the trainers no longer get in the water. It made it a fairly uneventful show, but the best part was seeing this little baby whale staying by its momma's side.
We then saw the "Azul" show which was full of synchronize swimming, dolphins, belugas, and acrobats.
It was SOOOO cool!
I didn't get any real good pics of that show. One downfall to this Canon camera...the zoom. And that I always get the focus in on the closest object and don't know how to make it focus on an object further away. If that makes sense.
Ava was so excited to see everything that she just wet her pants. And wet so much that she leaked through her diaper for the first time in at least a year!
But no worries at all!
Momma had a change of clothes AND a matching bow and sunglasses to boot!
Ava and Shamu checking out the sharks. She said "see the sharks? ewwww yuck!" ha ha!
Ava and Shamu again.
Oh wait. That's Ava and mommy. My bad!
We fed the dolphins at our last stop.
And Ava was so funny about throwing the fish to the dolphins. She would just toss it in the water with no aim for feeding a dolphin. Heck, there wouldn't even be a dolphin in sight!
At one point she tried to lean over and get in the water.
Does this happen to anyone else or am I just one lucky mom?????
Taking one last look before heading home...
Not even two minutes down the road and we already had a goner on our hands.
My little girl had the time of her life and she still talks about Sea World today! When we went to sleep Saturday night she was saying "I see the whales and dolphins and sea wynons and thank you mommy. had fun."
It melted my heart!!
Before we headed to Austin on Sunday to see more cousins (I decided to split the trip home into two two hour drives, staying with family in Austin), we stopped down at the river walk to ride the little river barge.
I LOVE THIS PART OF SAN ANTONIO! Although it was super duper hot and I think I like the river walk better at night.
I mean just look at that hot little face!
We drove to Austin to see the cousins after our hot little boat ride and she napped for that trip as well. Then, we trekked home Monday morning and were back to our stompin grounds by 11am.
It was a great weekend and I look forward to many more "road trips" with my little stinker. She was so much fun and I just love sharing new experiences with her!
As a parent, this is what life is all about!