Check that little baldy out...
Tonight was TCU's "Family Music Night" and Ava was talking about it all day.
Here she was a year ago today with my mom.
She just loves "moo kick class". I feel she has learned so much from echoing tunes and sounds to rhythm (P.S. that word is a booger to spell EVERY time) and creative movement.
She can even play "Old McDonald" on the guitar.
Psh! If that were the case then I'd say we were FOR SURE getting our money's worth.
So anyway, back to tonight...
We go eat at Panera before the program. And Ava was miss "show off-look at me" while we ate.
She seriously yelled "Hi" "Hoe are you?" (no, I did not misspell that) to everyone within eye sight from her. Being a parent is so embarrassing. I mean I hate to draw attention to myself.
Always have.
I was the type of student that would almost pee my pants in class just to avoid having to get up and walk in front of the classroom or just to be the only one in the room standing, because that meant all eyes were on me. Even if for a brief second. They were still on me and thus, people were "judging" something about me. Insecurity is a big fat ugly wart!
NEVER did I think about this when planning for 15 children.
So, yeah, it's real cool when you hate people looking at you, and your kid yells to get the entire establishment checking you, your parenting skills (or lack thereof), and your naughty child out.
Real cool.
Bad hair day. Humid. Windy. Icky. Again, don't look at me. Look at the cute girl with awesome table manners and a mild spirit.
So, we walk out of Panera and she runs smack dab into the glass entry. OUCH! She looks around to see who sees her to decide if she should cry tears of embarrassment or just keep it together.
If only then, I could have taught her the age old lesson of "what goes around comes around".
But I think she slightly got the idea...ahem.
So, we get to TCU and stop for a photo opp.
She was not impressed.
She wanted in that ballroom to dance..
and dance.
And sing. Or chew on drumsticks. I'll just go with the former because it sounds better.
And then she decided to run away. Can you find her??? It's almost as good as a "Where's Waldo" page.
I like to look at all the other kids just sitting in their parents lap and it truly amazes me that their really are kids that DO THAT?!?!?!
Wow! I haven't the slightest idea about that one.
She makes life interesting and fun.
That is for sure!!