I am going to try and recap 6 days worth in one post. Otherwise, I know me. I will never get the other posts up here. So bare with me and all of the pictures.
I already filled you in on day one, so here are pictures that tell the story of the rest of our trip to Old Orchard Beach, Maine. And in no particular order or sequence!
Ava and Mommy trying out the ocean. She was so excited about going to the ocean.
It was a little chilly for my likings, but we still got in and had fun jumping the waves!

And Ava loved playing in the sand!

Here's Ava with her buddy, Kiley, who lives in Maine.

Kiley and her momma, Faye, came to visit us in Texas back in
Not sure if I ever shared, but Faye and I met on babycenter.com back when we were pregnant with Ava and Kiley. We were due within a few days of eachother, and we spent lots of time chatting online at babycenter message boards about the joys (and the fears/embarrassments/yuckiness) of pregnancy. Faye and I, along with 11 other gals due within a week of eachother, got super close and left the public forum of babycenter and ventured to a private forum on yahoo. We all still chat daily on yahoo, and I have met all but 1 of the ladies in real life. We live all over the United States, call eachother besties, and these ladies (and their children)mean the WORLD to me! So far, we have reunited in San Diego, Vegas, Minnesota, Texas, and Maine.
Here we are with Kiley and Faye (on the end), along with some of our other gals and babes, the first time we met when they were 14 months.

Ava and Kiley talk about eachother CONSTANTLY! It is so cute to have little bff's all over the country! :)
We took this picture, dedicating it to our other yahoo groupies who were unable to meet up this go-round!

So, back to Maine!
They had this boardwalk on the beach and one area was for adults and bigger kids, while another was for little kids, under 46 inches. It was little peoples convention to the extreme! Ava and Kiley were in heaven!!!
Monkey see, Monkey Do!


Waiting in line with her "auntay".

And her favorite..."hose-ees" (horseys...aka Carousel).

Portland Maine has the most amazing Children's museum I've ever seen!
There were play rooms of a farm,

a vet office,

a large fishing boat,

and treehouses everywhere!

Later that night we went out to eat and met up with another momma from our Yahoo group (who happens to also live in Maine) Emily, and her family!
Here is all three of us and our littles who are about 2 weeks apart!
Emily and Jude, Me and Ava, Faye and Kiley.

Stealing Ava sugars on the Pier.

And you can't go to Maine without eating a lobster. But holy cow! I wasn't expecting the whole derned thing to come on my plate, shell and all!!

They don't mess around! I'm so glad those pinchers were banded. You never know, people. You never know!
Ava and Jude hugging. My girl's got good taste!
Just look at her eyeing him!!!

And moove over lobsters, because did you know that Maine also should be known for it's icecream?!?!?!
If you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen my tweets about this place. It was called "Big Licks" and they served homemade icecream from Heaven people!! It was incredible.

We're talking blueberry cobbler, banana cream pie, almond joy, key lime pie, coffee oreo, reeses peanut butter cup in chocolate... It was the BEST!

The smallest size they offered was a double scoop. Unless you were a tot like Ava. Then you got that little baby cone. Isn't it too cute?
We did some sightseeing one day and drove up the coast of Maine just a little ways to see the lighthouses and take in the fresh, cool air. Although, Maine was having a very warm summer. Like in the 80's. HA! HA! HA!

Ava and I (more like
I) decided to dress "Nautie" on the last day.

We hit up a local park just to take in the view one last time.

Oh! And let Ava and her elephant swing. Of course!

Maine really is a gorgeous state and I highly recommend it this time of year if you want to get away from the blazing heat!
I mean, you really can't beat mild temps, the ocean, breathtaking scenery, lobsters & ice cream, and carnie rides.
It just doesn't get much better!