I love the warmth and traditions and family and togetherness that comes with it!
I love taking a moment out of the year to stop and give thanks for all that I've been blessed with in the year(s) past.
Some of the few things I am thankful for this year include...
My family

Love those two people more than anything!! Aaron is such a great daddy and husband and his love for Ava and me shows each and every day through his endless running around, picking up after our messes, AND dealing with our various temper tantrums. He keeps me sane because he works hard to clean the house, bathe Ava, and do other daily "chores" that I don't get done while working.
Ava is such a toot these days and she gives me a run for my money already, but she is the light of my life! The girl keeps me in stitches with the hilarious things she does and says.
My faith
I am thankful for my faith and for my savior Jesus Christ, and the sacrifice He made thousands of years ago for my sins. Without Him I am nothing, and without my faith, my life here on earth is meaningless.
My friends
I am a people person and I HATE to be alone. I have issues like that:) And so I am glad I have a family to keep me company (ha!) but I don't think I could make it without my friends. Being a mommy is hard, and being a wife is hard too! And sometimes the best medicine for the soul is to get out and spend some good 'ol fashioned friend time with the girls. I always say I don't have just one best friend, but I have TONS of really close friends. And I like it like that!! Makes my heart happy.
I'm also thankful for the new friendships I've made this year!
My work
I can't ever say enough how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE my job and what I do! I am so blessed to work side by side with Sheila, and she is definitely my better half in the workplace!!
I am also thankful for the gals that work for us and all the time, perfection, and creative eye they put into SheShe Made!
Because without this character, I might not have nearly as much business. Haha! Sorry, I couldn't resist.
And, last but not least...
My customers
Seriously! I have THE GREATEST customers EVER and they make this job such a blessing. I have gotten to know quite a few of them on a personal basis and it's just so much fun to make their children all of their holiday and birthday clothing. It's becoming a tradition in a way and that makes it so cool! Makes me want to do this job until I die or become crippled from carpel tunnel. Ha!
I guess I should include giving thanks to the pilgrims and indians for making peace as well??
It's only appropriate.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!