Let's first talk about the fact that BOTH of his grandparents are still living and are about to celebrate their 75th wedding anniversary.
Not many people make it to 75 months these days.
They are both in their early 90's and still kickin it like fresh young chickens.
With walkers, of course.
Ava loves to go see MeMaw and Pappoo.
We always go out there after church and we bring Spring Creek Barbeque.
Ava and I waited in the car while daddy got the food to go.
Ava sitting on Pappoo's lap.
And MeMaw's lap as well.
Everyone getting their grub on.
It might appear that Ava has poor table manners as she is standing in her chair rather than sitting. But let me assure you she proved to be a little lady while we were eating. She acccidentally burped and had the biggest surprised face following that utterance, then she begged to be pardoned by the entire table! It went like this...
"Scuss me (excuse me) Mommy"
"Scuss me daddy"
"Scuss me MeMaw"
"Scuss me Auntay"
"Scuss me EE-quin (uncle Ian)"
"Scuss me Pappoo"
"Ava bupped. I sooooo sorry."
It was the funniest thing EVER!!!
The ladies cleaned up after lunch while the boys (and Ava) went on a golf cart drive around the farm.
We visited for a little while and then took some family pics for fun.
I love visiting and seeing all the vegetables and fruit they have growing in their garden. On Sunday they had cantelope and pumpkins growing (I think) and all the corn had been cut down. Last time we visited we played "hide and seek" in the corn field....Children of the Corn style, too. Or not.
Ava was getting a little onery so we cut our visit just in time for nap.
She was so sweet giving lots of hugs on our way out though. She is the sweetest little booger!
We treasure our visits with the grandparents and hope there are many more to come!!
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