How many weeks? 29 weeks tomorrow
Size of baby: Size of a butternut squash
Maternity Clothes: yes please! I mostly wear dresses because it's just so much easier. I've added bike shorts under the dresses because...well...I'm sure I don't have to go there.
I have reached the point where my maternity clothes are getting tight. Thus, I don't want to wear anything but stretchy clothes 24/7.
Gender: it's a BOY! Judd Richard
Movement: All the time. And he feels SO BIG. He loves to remind me he is in there. You know, as if I'd forget!
Sleep: Sleeping better these days which I'm thankful for!
What I Miss: This week I miss being active and emotionally stable!!! Ava and I went school supply shopping at WalMart and Dollar Tree the other day and I was DYING by the time we got home. Back sore and knees aching. I mean, ridiculous. All I could think was "and I'm only 28 weeks pregnant. This is NOT supposed to happen yet." I also have been an emotional wreck. I get so impatient with Ava and am so sensitive to anything anyone says. I have cried more this past week than I've cried in a year. Fer reals. I keep apologizing to my family and Aaron just tells me "It's okay. As soon as Judd is out of that belly we will get you some Prozac and everything will be all better." Haha! I love that man.
Cravings: Chocolate milkshakes and avocado. I mentioned on twitter today that I LOVE pimento cheese and avocado sandwiches and a few people were disgusted with that. I don't like pimento cheese in the tubs you get at the store. No WAY! I only like homemade pimento cheese. And lucky for me, my mom made some on Monday. IT IS THE BEST. And I just add a few slices of avocado to it and I die. If you are a fan of either of these....try it together on toasted bread! YOU WILL THANK ME. PROMISE!!!!
Other latest craving is yogurt parfaits. I make it with granola, vanilla yogurt, and fresh blueberries. SO GOOD!
Symptoms: My joints are starting to hurt after working long days on my feet. Still not wearing my wedding ring due to the alergic reaction. Back is hurting at the end of the days. I just am so big and miserable. Already. I cannot wait to have this baby and lose this weight!!
Best Moment this Week: Love feeling him move, but the best moment this week was that it cooled down and we got some rain. YAY!!!! I am so ready for cooler weather.