I enjoy our time together as a family of three on the weekends. But I really enjoy the one on one time with just she and I when Aaron is at work. It's so fun to have girls days with her now that she's older.
So far, I am loving the 3's. We can joke around, have conversations, get pedicures even, and she is at the age where I'm still her lifeline and number one best friend!
(one day before church)

Each morning we snuggle and watch cartoons before we start our day. And maybe because I'm still a big kid myself we always do a little something fun while taking care of "life" at the same time. I'm so, so blessed to have this life, work from home, and my little girl is just such a joy!
As excited as I am for her upcoming year(s), it makes me sad to know that soon she will be in school 2.5 days a week, and she will have to share my attention with the baby. And with that I think about how this is just the beginning. I think about how in just the blink of an eye she will be in school and will spend more time with her teacher than with her mommy. Tear!!
It's thoughts like these that help me (when I'm not overly emotional and depressed about it) remember to not take this time for granted and to cherish it all.
I've been without my machines the past month (thanks to a great assistant!!) since we were moving and now that we are all settled and I can breathe again, I'm ready to get back to work. But I have definitely enjoyed the extra time & the fun things Ava and I have done while I've been "unemployed". On Thursday we started our day at a new park. The weather was 75 and perfect!

We played tag until I was barely breathing and then I asked her to climb this {little} 7 ft rock wall. Her reply? "Mom you're ridic-uh-less. I'm very too little." ha!!
She says the funniest things!
After the park we went to our local animal shelter as I was on a mission to adopt a long haired dachshund that had been posted on Facebook. We got there and it was adopted the previous day. We decided to take a look at the other dogs and cats to see if we needed any. Y'all! That place is sad. It was my first time visiting and to think all those pets were abandoned and possibly about to be euthanized broke my heart. But Ava? She was in heaven! She loved all the animals. Especially the cats!!

She would get close to their cage and say "Hi sweetie." I love her heart. I love this next picture because you can tell she's deep in conversation with these cats...

We didn't leave with a pet on this day but we will be back to see if we can find a potential match for our family. I really want a smaller dog thats already potty trained. After this we headed to the movies to see Rio. It was a cute movie about Ava's favorite bird; the blue Macaw.

She loves the movies! She also loves the popcorn! Not real sure which she loves more but she is a good little movie buddy. She wants to see Kung Fu Panda 2 but first we must see the first Panda movie!
All in all we both had the best day. I love my girl and I enjoy our special time together!