This weekend was such a productive one.
Such a fun one.
Such an exhausting one.
It began on Friday morning with a show to see Toy Story 3 on Ice!

We stayed at Aaron's sisters house in Dallas on Thursday and she came with us to see the show Friday morning. Ava was so excited I made her a Lotso Bear shirt with her name on it! She told me thank you 50 times. Lotso isn't my favorite character in TS3, but Ava just loves this huggable villain!
We got to the show and Ava was beside herself.

We got suckered into buying her a Jesse princess wand. Of course!

Waiting for the show to begin!

Some of our fav moments...

Sorry I didn't make a collage. These are all phone pics bc someone is forgetful these days and forgot the camera.
The show was a blast. A tad long bc it covered all three of the movies, but it was so magical for Ava!
On Saturday we had another eventful day. My grandfather from New Mexico passed away in Feb and we had a memorial service here in Ft. Worth at my family's cemetery where they buried his ashes. It was a sad service, but he had alzheimers and so we were celebrating the fact that he was no longer suffering and was at home in his mansion free from disease and pain. It was, also, great to see many loved ones who flew in from all over on this day.
Ava and mom before his service. It was outdoors and so all the little cousins came.

That afternoon I was heading to a baby shower. Except I never made it bc I was too exhausted. So I went home, took a power nap, woke up to get my car washed and then got a wild hair to go buy Ava and her cousin Wyatt a little pool.

Except it wasn't very little at all. And myself, Aaron, and my brother blew this thing up with a hand held air pump.
Yeah we aren't very clever.
Yes. There is a gas station down the street with an air pump.
Oh well.
The kids loved it and played in the pool all afternoon until bedtime!
And the grass in my house is lovely.
It's the gift that Keeps on giving.
Saturday night my brother and his son stayed the night. It was a cousin slumber party!

Notice the princess dress? It's a stage I hope passes soon.
This morning we got a call at 7am that our house was showing. Selling a house is no fun! We all woke up and cleaned super fast and had to get out. We missed church bc of this but had a great brunch at Cracker Barrel.
Aaron went to play golf in a charity golf tournament while I got another wild hair and cleaned out my closet and transitioned it to summer.

What an exhausting but rewarding task! I pulled out all the boxes in the garage and washed, dried, hung up, and organized clothes all afternoon.
I am pooped!
This evening we topped out the weekend with Ava's first Ice Cream from the Ice Cream Man!

Look at that mess!!!
She had a Dora ice cream.
Dora didn't last long in the 90 degree temp, however.
She was a melting mess within 5 minutes!
It was a great weekend and I need a consecutive one to recover from the madness:)
Sorry about the picture overload. But here's one more. We finished this cute set late Friday night and I am in love!! Can't wait to add this and more like it to our collection.

Monogram or no? This one is Ava's for SURE!