Well, first things first: This is not Ashley. But don't worry, Ashley is fine--I didn't tie her up with her embroidery thread and hide her in the closet. We just decided that it was high time for me to introduce myself to all you fabulous SheShe watchers!
My name is Sheila, and you may have heard Ashley mention me now and again. I'm the other half of SheShe Made. I'm the "She," or is Ashley the "She?" I guess we're both "She." Ha! Seriously, I've commented on the blog posts here and there, but wanted to finally put myself out there for you all to meet. Here I am.

I've never written a blog post before (well, except one on here), and being that the subject is to introduce myself, I'll try not to bore you with my life story. It all began in a little town in Rochester, New York, many many years ago...Ha ha! Just kidding... I did grow up in Rochester, and moved to Texas in 2005. Leaving behind a social circle that you spent your life building is NOT easy, and after a few years, I was really hungry for some consistent adult interaction.
Ashley and I met in August of 2008 when I had been blessed to be offered a job as a pre-k aide at a local elementary school. Ahsley was the teacher that I was assigned to work with. In retrospect, I can clearly see God's hand in this little part-time job of mine for many reasons, not the least of which is it started me down the road of a great friendship and business partnership! At the time, I was pregnant with this little one, my fifh and final baby, Gianna. You may have seen her modeling some of our SheShe line.

Yes, I did say fifth, as in 5. It's not a typo. But I'll share more about my brood later.
As the school year was winding down, Ashley was beginning to crank out the cutest hairbows I'd ever seen, and mentioning how she wanted to make her own kids stuff--bibs, bloomers, etc. And throughout the year, as we got to know each other, Ashley had learned that I sew. More specifically, I am a quilter, an art that requires, among other things, dedication to precision and perfection. Turns out that these qualities would come in handy! It all began with one pattern she bought and asked me to make--the Halloween pillowcase romper.
So last fall, I began making rompers and spider dresses, then Turkey Day dresses, then scores of holiday dresses that Ashley sold on Etsy. Etsy sales grew, the website came online, and things were just taking off. After Christmas, things began to really grow at SheShe Made, and Ashley offered me a partnership. In joining forces and getting my own embroidery machine, we were able to really increase the amount of adorable things we could put out there for everyone!
The chances are that if you have a SheShe dress, pants set, romper, or any other sewn item--I made it. Ashley does sew some things, as does another talented seamstress we employ, but for the most part I'm the one sitting at the sewing machine bringing Ashley's designs to reality! I can't tell you how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing your sweet little ones wearing them, and putting their little faces together with names.
That's the short, short version of how I came to be one half of SheShe Made! While I've got your attention, I'll introduce my kids to you! This is the family all together.

Here's MY other half, my husband Larry. We were high shcool sweethearts and have been married for jsut over 13 years. I just couldn't resist showing this pic which is him holding his Father's day gift. Sorry about the tighty whitey band that you can see. I don't have photoshop!

This is my oldest daughter, Paulina, who is 12. She is holding her new baby sister, not able to control the tears of joy at finally getting a sister after 3 brothers. I treasure this photo.

The best part of this picture is that if you could see it close up, you can see a lone tear sliding down her cheek.
Next is Tristin, my son who will be 10 next week. He's all decked out in his dad's scouting hat for the ride on the 4th of July float with the Cub Scout pack that my hubby leads.

Ryan is my 7 year old little surfer dude. He's actually not a surfer, but could pass for one with his blond swooshed hair and blue eyes. Before the baby came, he was my only blond!

Next is Tanner, my almost 4 year old. He's super bright, but can't start pre-k till next year because of when his birthday falls. I couldn't resist this pic--the look on his face is so very him!

And that brings us back to Gianna. Or Gi or Gigi, as we call her, who you saw before.
That's me in a nutshell. Hopefully I will have the opportunity to blog more often, if for no other reason than to give Ashley a break! I guess i'll untie her now so she can sign off on this post...I mean...uh...
Just kidding! No Ashleys were harmed during the production of this blog post. :-)