Judd Richard
October 28
born at 12:46 pm
8 lbs and 6 oz
21 inches long
Judd's Birth Story:Judd was born via repeat c section on Friday afternoon. We dropped Ava off at museum school, checked in the hospital, and everything went smoothly the entire day.
I walked into the OR and sat on the operating table and was getting fairly anxious, which is unusual for me. I am a high strung person, yes, but I was mostly excited to have Judd be born, up until the epidural/spinal. When they told me to arch my back and suck in my stomach (which, by the way, is a funny thought considering I was huge pregnant) I was getting soooo nervous. The whole procedure of an epidural is freaky. I was thinking to myself "I just want out of this. Maybe I should try to labor." Then I thought "I guess either way it's not gonna be fun. There is no easy way out." Well, that thought alone made me quite anxious. The thoughts of "what if I'm not numb, what if I have lots of scar tissue, etc. etc." ran through my head.
But within minutes I was completely numb and ready to go! Judd came out with a precious little cry and I heard the doctor and nurses discussing what a cute baby he was. Melt my momma heart!
They put him on the warmer and assessed/cleaned him while Aaron talked to him. He knew Aaron's voice instantly. Then I started talking to him and I kid you not, he turned his head all around looking for my voice. I cried like a baby.
my doctor with Judd
Ava came in and was so quiet. She said "Mommy, he isn't in your belly anymore. He is here! We have to be very gentle to him." She was smitten at first glance.
The hospital stay was actually SO NICE! I didn't want to go home and would be lying if I told you I haven't had one meltdown involving wanting to go back to the hospital. The nurses were amazing and the food was so good this time. I am so serious!
But, coming home day was wonderful. We were excited to show Judd his new home and the adjustment has been rather smooth. My mom stayed with us the first week and saved our lives. She was wonderful!!! She cooked, cleaned, and got up with me during the feedings. Aaron has been so great, too! He has been sleeping with Ava since he works and I don't want to wake him all night with feedings. Ava thinks it's pretty cool to have dad in her room at night! Talk about slumber party time!!
Ava has been awesome with the adjustment. She loves holding her brudder and petting his head! I have a feeling I am going to love the age difference between them. She is so helpful!
Thanks for all of the prayers and love/support during the days leading up and day of his birth.