This morning he asked me to read this book to him.

It's an old one from when Ava was a baby and we read it to her daily. By read, I mean we played the music as it sang "Rock a bye baby" and turned the pages on cue. I always thought it was a sad book to read as a momma because of the sentimental words at the end...
"Sleep now my baby I'll stay right here, and watch you and love you my baby my dear."
I know Judd has no understanding of why it'd be sad for me, but apparently the acoustics or something had a real effect on the poor little guy as well. ;)
Isn't that the most pathetic thing you've ever seen?
He kept bringing it to me to read even though it made him cry. I don't understand why he wanted to endure the heartache over and over again.
Look at him trying to be brave here...
I just love his sweet sensitive heart so much!