If you answered yes to any of those questions, please, keep reading.
Do you love monograms, appliques, cute little personalized pieces or the like? Do you daydream about squishy little newborns, only a few hours old, all decked out in sweet gowns with their name monogrammed on it? The name that you just may have picked out especially for them? The name that you so proudly want to show off?
Do you get bummed when you wake from said daydream and realize that a typical monogrammed gown and newborn cap can cost anywhere from $45-$65? Add in a burp cloth and bib and you are looking at paying $85+ to get just the newborn monogram essentials so desperately coveted by moms to be. When factoring all the other costs that come with new babies (how is it that those tiny little creatures require SO MUCH STUFF to survive those first few months anyway?) it's hard to justify spending that kind of money in one setting.
Hopefully, SheShe Made can help you reach your {lifelong goal} of dressing your baby, your niece, your nephew, your godson or your goddaughter in adorable monogrammed clothing. And doing so at a VERY affordable rate!
Coming now to a SheShe Made customer everywhere, is the "Bundle of Joy" newborn monogram gift set.
What is the Bundle of Joy Package?
- It's a big 'ol package of monogrammed goodness that you get {or give} days before or soon after baby is born!
- It includes all the basics such as SheShe Made's number one selling name applique gown, monogrammed newborn cap or bow headband to match, a coordinating burp cloth, name applique bib, monogrammed onesie and/or monogrammed bloomers. The package cost $96 and is valued at $110-$120 plus shipping if purchased separately.
example of our name applique gown
Sugar and Spice Package includes...
- Name applique gown made to coordinate with baby's nursery colors
- Matching bow headband
- Monogrammed bloomers
- Coordinating burp cloth
- Name applique bib
- Name applique gown made to coordinate with baby's nursery colors
- Matching monogrammed newborn cap
- Monogram onesie
- Coordinating burp cloth
- Name applique bib
How does the Bundle of Joy Package work?
- You email SheShe Made as soon as you find out you or your loved one is pregnant to get started on building your personal package, and to begin a payment plan as low as $12 a month.
- Through email correspondence, we will set up your payment plan to ensure you are paid in full ($96 is the total amount for the package) by the first day of the month you are due or by three weeks prior to your due date.
- You will be invoiced via email and pay through paypal on the first day of each month.
- When you find out baby's gender, you will email that info along with baby's name, and we will get started on your individual newborn package. All packages will be shipped two weeks before the baby's due date.
This is great, but what if I don't know the baby's gender until he/she is born?
- You are in the "extra special" category because you have FINALLY found a place where you no longer have to purchase green or butter colored clothing! AND you can still buy your unknown gendered baby (is that really a word?) monogrammed clothing AS LONG as you have a boy and girl name chosen.
- If your OB nurse is comfortable with emailing SheShe Made your baby's gender, we will be in contact with them to get all the juicy insider information. We'll get your top-secret gender specific package made and shipped two weeks before the baby's due date. It's just up to you to not open the package until that sweet bundle of joy reveals his/her gender in all their naked glory on their birthday!
- If your OB nurse isn't willing to email the gender to some random monogram company (which, by the way, has never been an issue yet) we will wait until you email us 2 seconds after that baby makes it's debut, and then we will treat your package as a rush order and have it made and shipped within 7-10 days.
- The gender neutral package is $16 extra to cover additional (obvious) costs.
If you are interested in getting started on your payment plan of the Bundle of Joy Package, email us at sheshemade@gmail.com and put "Bundle of Joy" in the title. We look forward to helping you welcome your bundle of joy into this world in style!