We had been talking about visiting them for a while now, and this was the best week for us to get away for a mini vacation.
Ava and Manny had SUCH a blast playing together. He would grin from ear to ear and giggle so sweet when she would talk to him or laugh with him. Manny is definitely into the older girls already!
Ava made herself at home and LOVED being at Sarah's house. Every morning she woke me up saying "Good Morning mommy! I go play with Sae-wuh now."
We didn't do too much besides relax and enjoy each other's company. Which is exactly what I needed! I thoroughly enjoyed the girl time and getting away from my work for a few days. And Sarah was such a great hostess. I'm sure she and I saved lots of minutes on our cell phone this week since we talk to each other basically all day, everyday. She seriously has become such a dear friend and we are so much alike it's crazy! I call her my "step sister". Haha!
Get a load of the view from her back yard! Ava was running toward the downhill slope right here and I about had a heart attack. The girl is totally fearless. I gave her a talk about she would fall down and get hurt and mommy would cry. Do you think she cared? Not at all!
One day we headed to Fayettville, Arkansas to do a little shopping and meet up with some blogger friends/twitter buddies/sweet customers. Ha! We decided to make it a kid friendly lunch as I was dying to meet the kids just as much as the mommies, and met at Chic Fil A.
In random order...
Sarah and "Mariel" (Ava called him this all week)
Ava and Brody playing hard!
All the moms and kids. Missing in this picture is Jennifer's sister, Jill. She stopped by to say hi too, and I was so glad as I was wanting to meet her. She always cracks me up as I think we both have a similar sense of humor.
Jillian Francis. Could this baby BE any more precious?!?! I love that she was holding my face. SO smoochy!
Sweet Melissa and baby Grayson. I have been DYING to meet both of them. Melissa is so genuinely sweet and Grayson just makes you melt upon laying eyes on him. ADORABLE BABY!
(I took these pics from Jennifer's blog because I didn't take any of my own this day)
It's such a neat experience to meet people you feel like you have known forever through either reading their blog or chatting with them on twitter. It never gets old and I SO enjoy the visits! These girls were so easy to talk to and we would have talked all day had the kids not been in need of naps:)
We did some light shopping since the kids were ready to get home. By the end of the car ride both Ava and Manny were crying in the back and I was trying to destress by taking silly pics of myself in Sarah's huge glasses...
It didn't help in case you were wondering!
The day before we headed back to Texas we met up with one last twitter buddy, Whitney, at Target/Starbucks. I am such a goof and didn't get a picture of her. The best I got was of these two cuties riding in the shopping cart. Whitney was so sweet and we wanted to take her home to nanny our kids. She was so good with them! haha!
On our way back home after a great little getaway!
I took this picture on my way out this morning. Another beautiful view from the front of Sarah's house. I had NO IDEA Oklahoma had such big hills. I kept referring to them as mountains but Sarah says they aren't so. What do you think?!
Sarah, thanks for being such a great friend, for putting up with us for four days, and for all of the laughs! Can't wait to do it again in a few months!! Hope we are still invited...