Well, finally I am getting around to "celebrating" all that Christmas is about. Family, friends, cookies and sweets, Christmas trees, Santa Claus, shopping, wrapping gifts, and above all else...our Saviour's birth!
Here are some pictures of our "lightly decorated" house. We usually get more decorating done...but not so much with a curious toddler.

Our Christmas tree. I think I have all but maybe 5 presents wrapped. YIPPEE! Got all that done last night with some help from SIL! Phew!

Our mantle with our christmas cards. I don't know why, but I always put them up there for display. Tons get shoved to the back, but it's fun for me to get to look at them from afar all month long as opposed to being put in a basket or bowl. The stockings didn't get to hang this year due to a little girl wanting to pull on them. We didn't feel like an ER visit with a slashed open head sounded like much fun this month!

This is the corner of our bar. It is just two little lit trees (I like the look of lit trees without ornaments too) and special pictures. The far left one is of my parents one Christmas many years ago. I love it because it reminds me of the "good ol days when my dad was still living. He passed away when I was 15. Christmas has never truly been the same, although having Ava has been very close to it! The other pics are of Ava's Christmases thus far and an empty one awaiting this year's picture! I love the one of her sonogram. We found out she was a girl in December of 2007 and what a WONDERFUL Christmas gift that was!! I wanted a girl sooooo bad.

This is Ava's tree in her room. I bought this tree a few years ago and had it in my classroom. I had hoped to one day have a girl and use it in her room. So glad that came to fruition!

Here is our outside decorations. Not so pretty in the daylight, ha! We have clear and red lights on our house and then the bushes are all lit up, along with this little display of trees, presents, and an igloo minus the polar bear that went to Goodwill this year. He lost a leg and turned into a grizzly bear from the browning. Ha!

And this is Ava's artwork from the church nursery. It had a heart in the stocking, but I think I dropped it from chrch to our car. I am going to make another and add it to the top of the stocking and frame it. So sweet and special!

We went on the Polar Express train ride with Ava's cousin, Wyatt. It was so much fun! They enjoyed riding the "toooo toooo" as Ava calls it, and even Santa came for a visit in the end!

And this picture just makes my heart smile! Ava is obsessed with people in costume! And she is hugging Frosty here, which I find just adorable. She LOVES Frosty. Silly girl! Doesn't she know she lives in Texas and will most likely never see a "real" frosty in these parts of the country? And if she does, it won't be taller than about 7 inches and will melt within 24 hours.
Hope you enjoyed my picture-filled post. It was definitely time! I will add pics of my latest birthday outfits very soon!
Merry Christmas! Blessings to you this week and always!