We dressed as characters from Ava's favorite show "Wo Gabba Gab" as she has called it since she was 1.
(Yo Gabba Gabba for those of you who have not yet discovered the wonderfulness that is this cartoon. HA!!)
Ava got plenty of wear out of her costume this year. I am so glad for that, even though it only cost me about $35 from head to toe (and that is good for me. I stink at bargaining) and the tunic and pants can be worn any day out of the year so that is a bonus!!
And just how is it possible for a 2 year old to already have this much attitude? It scares me sometimes.
She had a blast with all of the Halloween festivities the past two weeks. We enjoyed our fair share of parties, play groups, festivals, trunk or treats, trick or treats, Thriller dances, and much more. To say I am Halloweened out would most likely be an understatement.
But this little cutie REALLY got into it all tonight while trick or treating!
She LOVED going door to door. We went through a few streets in our neighborhood and the weather was PERFECT this evening!
She told us over and over "Thanks you mommy. Thanks you daddy." She was having the time of her life.
Aaron was a stickler about her not walking in people's grass, so she was walking so carefully on the sidewalks and paths.
(see her not stepping in the grass? ha!!)
She would say over and over "don't step in the grass" and she made sure to tell every person thanks you for candy.
My child may cop a serious 'tude from time to time (okay A LOT of the time) but I am so proud of her manners.
This picture just makes me giggle.
She was petting this man's ghost lights. Ha!! She was not afraid of ANYTHING this Halloween. In fact, she was totally intrigued by all the scary stuff. The girl has no fear. Whatsoever!
Inside a "haunted house" (it was a blowup one).
We hope you and your little goblins had a happy halloween as well!