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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Circus Week!

It's quite comical that this week the circus comes to town.
I guess it decided to hit up my house before it made it's final stop in the neighboring city!
It's been the craziest past few days ever.
I won't bore you with details, but let's just say that I have called multiple electricians to come out and fix the outlets in Ava's room as they all went out Friday night.
As soon as I would get something lined up, they would start working again. And then when I would cancel the appointment, they would go out again. And then the entire street lost electricity for 2 hours Monday. That was FUN!
I also had a bad encounter with WOOT.com where I ordered a defective flip video and I'm still dealing with that nightmare of getting an exchange.
Then I thought one of my distributors lost my LONG OVERDUE package of items customers have been waiting on for me to get monogrammed and shipped out.
And Ava has been refusing diapers AND peeing in the potty.
Her preference? Why the floor of course!
Then the DVD player in my car went out two days ago. Oh! And today I was making a mad dash for the post office before they picked up the mail and guess what? My key wouldn't turn in the ignition.
I had about 3 other crazy things happen. But now I can't recall.
And I just said I wouldn't bore you with the details. Oopsie!

So, yeah, it's been a circus!
And if you can't beat em, well, join em!
I put on my clown hat and decided to take my child out in the 107 degree heat to see an actual circus parade!
We went with my friend Jenn and her cutie, Boston.

I told Aaron he could sit this one out if he would buy tickets to the actual circus for this coming Thursday night. He GLADLY accepted the offer to get out of it! HA HA! Everyone wins in that situation, right?

Ava and Boston could hardly contain themselves, looking for those Elephants.

And there they came. Holding trunks and tails and all!

It was pretty neat. Minus the heat.

They were eating tables of food. Like whole apples and watermelon and heads of lettuce and whole loaves of bread.
Circus elephants are NOT mistreated from what I saw. I mean that was a feast!!

We watched them graze for a minute, make their exit, and then we headed to the nearest indoor facility to grab a quick bite to eat and cool off! I was soaken wet. We went to Qdoba and as soon as we got to the counter, Ava laid down on the floor to put her cheeks on the cold tile. JUST LIKE A DOG!!

I didn't snap the picture quick enough for you to see it. I sometimes just don't know what to think of that kid!
Thanks Boston and Jenn for coming to the circus parade with us! Although it was hot, it was still a good time!

We will be hitting up the circus Thursday night and I am so excited! Look for more pictures to come.

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SheShe Made

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Ft. Worth, Texas
After having my girly girl in April of 08, and spending oodles of money on one of a kind boutique, monogrammed clothing (with hairbows to match), I decided it was time to learn this trade myself before I went broke! I learned how to sew, embroider, and make hairbows in a matter of 3 months. What started as a hobby has turned into a dream come true. I quit my job as a teacher and now work from home when the little one sleeps. My life as a mommy and a boutique clothing designer/manufacturer/monogrammer is truly the best of both worlds!! I have big dreams for the future of my family and the future of SheShe Made. Thanks for joining me as I blog about the journey. Let me know if there is a bow or outfit you'd like custom made for you! Email me at sheshebows@yahoo.com and thanks for stopping by!


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