Time to introduce Ava to the world of Build a Bear Workshop.
I've been looking forward to this day for a while now.
I could have just gone to build a bear for myself.
But that would look a little, uh, strange.
I mean isn't it so much fun to have a little one and "use them" to do something childish?
It's much more socially acceptable to slide down slides, eat happy meals, play with blocks, watch Yo Gabba Gabba, and stuff little animals when you have a child by your side.
And I love to use Ava for days such as this!
Ava is hit or miss.
She either loves something or she hates it.
There is never really an in between.
But she does love stuffed animals!
So, I was curious about this adventure.
We get in the store and I show her all the options.
She said "I want THAT ONE" to about 6 of them.
The more she looks around, the more she goes into ADD overdrive. She starts pushing THREE bear strollers at the same time.
I'm not kidding. That store looked like Hurricane Alex visited when we walked out. More like Hurricane Ava, I suppose.
She settled on....surprise, surprise.....a CAT!
Let's just say her cat obsession isn't hereditary.
Loving on her cat as best she can while being completely distracted by everything else in the store.
Next we gave the cat a bath.
Ava was not impressed with the lack of water, I might add! She kept saying "Waterrrr where ah youuu?"
After bath or "air" time, we picked out the cat's attire. I had a hard time finding three outfits that weren't all hoochie-fied. THAT IS SAD, Y'ALL!
I let her choose between three outfits I picked. I'm holding the other two in my hand. And even the leopard outfit was a little on the too-Miley-Cyrus-for-my-likings side. I was quite pleased with Ava's choice in the simple little summer dress.
I really wasn't surprised. Ava wants to wear a dress every day! Of course, she would pick a dress for her cat as well!
After the cat got clothed, we added the bows and the shoes!
She picked purple for both!
Lookin' good, Miss Cat!
Isn't that such a creative, original, one-of-a-kind name?
"Miss Cat"
Yes, I thought so too!
Hey, I was just impressed she knew how to name her in the first place, actually! I thought she would answer with "Name" if you want to know the truth! ;)
All paid up, and ready to take Miss Cat home!
And wouldn't you know it, that cat hasn't left her side since it left the store.
I'd say this adventure was definitely a hit!