Next week I will be on track. No promises, however!
Have you seen the initial butt onesies on our website? Did you notice quite a few of them say Ella? Well here is Ella modeling some of the many initial butt onesies I made for her!
This was baby Ella at 2 weeks, and her mom ordered all of the "Ella" initial butt onesies to match some babylegs she had made.
Ella's mom recently contacted me to make Ella a onesie for her 3 month pictures and this is what it looked like...
well, actually, it didn't look like that at all. Ha! She had me add a ribbon band to the middle of it, and I wanted to take a picture of it like that so that I could sell them as such, offering many different color combos.
I think this is a great addition that will be a big hit for those monthly pictures. And it will be priced at a reasonable price too!
In fact, I will be adding this little Monthiversary onesie over on the website TODAY. So, check it out, and if you know anybody expecting, or with a sure to send them our way!